Membership Form

Basin Gardeners Association
...a community group dedicated to education, propagation of beauty, and a naturally good life in this area

Name:  ______________________________________________

Phone:home____________________   cell ___________________ 


Civic address ___________________________________________

Postal address __________________________________________
How did you hear about Basin Gardeners Association?
Have you attended a meeting/function?  No__ Yes    Which? _____
Membership fee: $15 to join, $10 for early renewal.
Fee accepted by _________________________ (Print name, and initial)

Participation is encouraged.  How could you contribute to the Association?
a. Work at projects undertaken by the Association  _____
b. Share your resources (e.g. plant or book exchanges)  ____
c. Share knowledge through discussion, demo, lecture or garden
    visitation _____
d. Share administrative responsibilities, in due course  ____
e. Other ________________________________
How could Basin Gardeners Association help you in you in your
 gardening pursuits?  __________________________________

Signature ___________________ Date __________________

Please return to any Executive member or
Myra Knight, 484 Borgels Point Road, Chester Basin, B0J-1K0