May 24, 2014

Garden Fair

Second Week of May

Brenda's Gardens

Brunnera macrophylla -Siberian Bugloss

Ferns at fiddlehead stage

Spring border in sunny warm location

Lynne's Gardens
Euphorbia myrsinites - Donkey-tail Spurge

Artemesia 'Brocade' 

Fern Leaf Peony 

Haskap bushes

Haskap blooms

PJM Elite Rhododendron

Brunnera and Lungwort

Brunnera 'Jack Frost'




Helleborus 'Pink Frost'

PJM Rhododendron

PJM flower

May 21, 2014

First Week of May

What is blooming in Brenda H.'s garden?

First Vinca blossom 

Lynne's Gardens